Wake Forest University Department of Physics


Olin Physical Laboratory

Undergraduate Studies

A general guide for prospective physics majors. Information on course selections for different degree options, as well as for students planning to study medicine. The departmental honors program is described in detail. For class schedules, see Physics courses and times.

Graduate Studies

A description of our graduate program and how to apply. You may request a graduate school application and information or apply online for graduate study in physics

Research Facilities and Interests

A quick tour of our laboratories and research facilities, with a description of the research interests of the faculty.

Instructional Resources, Labs, Demos and Facilities

Instructional support areas including Lecture Links, Tutoring, Lab Info Pages for lab sections, demonstrations in the WFU Demo Guides and other resources, particularly the WFU Astronomy Home Page.

Seminars and Colloquia

Speakers and abstracts of seminars scheduled this semester.

Physics Faculty and Staff

Names, addresses, phone numbers, and occasionally a bit more.

Office: 100 Olin Physical Laboratory

Graduate Students


Wake Forest University is pleased to host the Thirteenth International Conference on Defects in Insulating Materials.

Please send comments on the Department of Physics Web Pages to matthews@wfu.edu.

Off-Campus Web Pages of Interest to Physicists


Physics Professional Organizations

Other resources

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