Announcing the Wake Forest Angela F. Harper Fellowship

Undergraduate Angela Harper working in the lab.

The Wake Forest Angela F. Harper Fellowship is a one-time award designed to promote the summer research of physics majors or those working in the physics department under the mentorship of a Wake Forest University faculty member across the summer months.  Applications must be written by the student and submitted to Eric Carlson, though it is expected that the content of the project will evolve from conversations between the student and the faculty mentor.

The Wake Forest Research Fellowship will support projects mentored or co-mentored by Reynolda College faculty.

If awarded, the Harper Fellowship supports:

  • A $4000 stipend to the undergraduate fellow.
  • Summer housing on the WFU campus (if requested).
  • Up to $500 in supplies, to be used on the scholarly project.

Important details to consider:

  • Students must be either declared physics majors, or be working with a faculty mentor in the physics department
  • Applications require the full consent of the faculty mentor.
  • The fellowship must span at least 10 weeks of the summer months.
  • The fellowship is meant to provide an intensive scholarly experience for the student. The student who receives the Harper Fellowship may not take summer session classes, nor have additional employment during the summer months.

Housing on campus during your research will follow the same schedule as Summer School. The fellowship will only cover the cost of your portion of a double occupancy room. If you choose to request a single occupancy room, you would be responsible for paying the difference.

Applications are due February 16, 2018.

Completion of the project requires the submission of an abstract and presentation of the scholarly work at Undergraduate Research Day, which is held in the fall semester on Parent’s Weekend.

Students should complete this application. Please contact Eric Carlson if you have any questions.